On Saturday 9th November the Kailash Home in Kathmandu and over 200 people celebrated the official opening of their new extended facilities.
One of two establishments for orphaned and deprived children supported by the Himalayan Youth Foundation, the Kailash Home meets the needs of over 100 youngsters aged 7-17, providing them a home, education and medical care. Yunadu Gurung, Chairman of the Himalayan Children Foundation, started proceedings, welcoming guests before speeches from the Chairpersons of the three offshore charities commenced.
After the centre first opened in 2007, the students have grown up and with younger children also arriving, they began to cover the full age range of young people in their care that we see today. As a result, the needs of the students increased and following the 2015 earthquake it was required for live-in-staff, so in 2016 a decision was made to extend the facilities

The new facilities include a dedicated study building fitted out with updated IT equipment that will assist with the demands of their study and improve their learning experience. A social building has also been built, which provides proper dining facilities, space for practice and performance of music and dance (a Nepali tradition), a facility to teach cookery and baking and common rooms for the senior students.
“The new buildings are an exciting investment in the future of the 100 children at the Kailash Home, and the contribution from COINS Foundation toward building costs and IT equipment is much appreciated.” Gerry Slater – Chairman, HYF

The cutting of the ribbon to formally open the buildings was carried out by the US Ambassador to Nepal, Randy Berry and Yunada Guring and the buildings were then blessed by the Rimpoche of the local Buddhist monastery, who also presented a statue which had been provided by the Dalai Llama, which will take pride of place in the study building. The children of the home then took over to give a cultural performance of song and dance wearing ethnic costumes before attendees sat down to lunch served in the new dining room.
“The new facilities will enable us to pursue our strap line of ‘Excellence in Education’ and give our children the best chance of making a difference when they leave our care.” Gerry Slater – Chairman, HYF
COINS Foundation are delighted to be able to continue our support of the Himalayan Youth Foundation through this investment into these new facilities for the Kailash Home.