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Sundial Festival 2024

Sunday 7th July saw the return of our annual event, Sundial Festival 2024. This year marked a particularly significant occasion, the 20th anniversary of the opening of Stepping Stones School. Stepping Stones opened its doors in 2004 for those with mild and moderate disabilities, who struggled to cope in mainstream education. Starting with just three students, the education provisions have now expanded hugely, boasting huge success with the now, Undershaw Education and Pathways Education.


Sundial Festival has historically been blessed with great weather and although the sun did make intermittent efforts to shine down on us, we couldn’t escape the rain that we had managed to avoid for so many years! However, with a strong focus on the relationships with our partner organisations and the fantastic work that has been achieved through their projects, we were thrilled to see the forecast didn’t dampen the spirit of all involved. We were delighted we could be joined by so many of our partners, with Sailability sharing in our 20th anniversary working together alongside PEAS, Habitat, and Challengers, who we’ve worked closely with for over 15 years. Newer partners SATRO and OnePlanet were also present alongside our social enterprises; free bird film, and the ever popular Cookie Bar

“It’s not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain."

With raincoats on and umbrellas out, guests soldiered through to enjoy the fantastic array of food and entertainment that was present. The highlight of the day came from the students, with their performances shining through to an enthusiastic and committed audience. The students demonstrated their resilience and ability to implement ‘blue sky thinking,’ taking to the stage with a series of both solo and group performances. And what a show they put on with their set list featured a combination of popular classics and cover songs, swapping in original lyrics. To get up and perform in front of friends, family and strangers is no mean feat, and to have so many students confident and keen to get on stage is a credit to them and the team and Undershaw.

Several alumni students attended the day, including Joe Shaw who had his own stall exhibiting his artwork, and Joe Johnson who returned with his own catering stand for a second year. Seeing how previous students have gone on to excel in different spheres can be a huge inspiration for students and families – reassuring them that with the right people around them, they too can follow their dreams.


As always, a huge thank you to all our partners, suppliers and everyone who supported the event and made the day such a success.

You can download the full Undershaw album here and view the photos from the day on our Facebook page.


1A Royal Parade, Tilford Road, Hindhead. GU26 6TD, UK


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